Having Sex With a Single Mother

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All of us, male and female, use psychology in every interaction. She stuck it in the oven and went to read a new novel. It felt special and caring.

When I created the that I now teach here at The Modern Man, beautiful women began flooding into my life and I've enjoyed my choice of women ever since. Little did she know that when the boy was inside, he split the plate three ways sharing it with his younger brother and sister. Sam Rogers Do not marry any woman, kids or no kids.

Having Sex With a Single Mother - As they ate, the doorbell rang.

Donovan is a sexist son of a bitch who objectifies women by keeping them on their toes, their backs, and their knees where they belong. Add him on and follow him on. Men here know there are countless reasons dating a single mother is a terrible idea. Any man who unwittingly wanders into the clutches of one of these harpies is doomed from the start. A no win situation for the poor sap. But every once in a blue moon we run into a baby mama that not only passes the boner test, she has the art of mimicking a quality woman down pat. Now before you guys start frothing at the mouth let me be clear: I will never advocate commiting to, dating, or God forbid, marrying these women. But if you absolutely must tangle with these tarts or are just starting out in game and looking for quick and easy lays to get your feet wet, here are 8 rules to follow to get what you want out of them easy sex without ending up like this… 8. What I am suggesting is that giving off a bit of a provider vibe every so often can work in your favor. The reason is that the most important trait to an SM when hunting for a target looking for a man is his ability to provide for her children. Blowjobs on command, back massages, after-sex sandwiches, strip teases, you name it. Can you watch Timmy while I run in? Nip this in the bud the first time she tries it because this is also a shit test. If she raises hell about it, next her. There are plenty of hot sluts out there without any snot nosed baggage. Turn her into a bowling ball Regardless of how hot a single mom is, her SMV is lowered because she has children. They would never verbally acknowledge this in public but they know the score. Not having much else to bring to the table she will concentrate her efforts in the bedroom to balance the baggage created by her rug rats. Take full advantage of this—turn her into a bowling ball and penetrate all three of her luscious holes. She will gladly participate in any debauchery your dirty mind can dream up to keep you around. Anal sex, parking lot blow jobs, sex tapes, and nude pictures are just the tip of the iceberg. Nothing is off limits and neither are any of her orifices. The very first time she withholds sex, NEXT HER A single mother withholding sex from you is a mathematical inevitability. This is your only move in this scenario. Use her as a fuck buddy, nothing more Single mothers make great fuck buddies. But making her anything other than a coitus companion is a huge mistake. Bang buds are for banging, not having romantic little chats over lattes with. Bounce like a bad check when the dirty deed is done. Leave that to her orbiters and the government. Giving an SM any allowance of your time, money, or attention only leads to trouble. Underestimating her ability to weasel her way into your resources would be a gross misstep on your part. Fuck buddy is the only status she. Who can blame them? I know this from personal experience. Do yourself a favor and do not connect with her children. Avoiding them all together is probably the best course of action. This should be quite easy as there is usually a custody order in place which requires them to spend a couple nights a week with dad. Do not pay for anything This one is simple, gents. There is absolutely no need to take out your wallet for a woman who gets food and shelter from the government, financial favors from white knights, and monthly payments from the father s of her child ren. As soon as she secures a commitment from said provider via shared residence, marriage, etc. On this assumption she then goes on the hunt for alpha cock to take care of herself, thus, satisfying her hypergamy. Believing anything different will lead to your undoing. Her mission in life is to lock down a beta provider for her young at all costs. Read More: pauldrake Why? Just be smart and control the situation. Men need adventure and variety. At least those with a pulse do. If you want to go for it. If not leave it alone and hunt elsewhere. TheWastelander Single moms are extremely dangerous. A lot of them want to trap you through some of the ways listed in the article above and through another pregnancy. The State has him firmly in its grasp most of the time, sometimes to the point of suicide on his part. She wants more than the free ride Uncle Sugar is giving her. Truly shocking stuff indeed tell me what you think. Truth Tiger Was in that exact situation with a divorced mother nurse I met last year. Why does it matter? I ended the conversation smoothly and quickly, saying it was too late and maybe another time. After a couple texts from her later, no more contact. Soft spot in my otherwise hard, darkened heart for kids, especially abandoned kids or perhaps better put, kids where the State, at the bequest of the mother, puts a gun to his head and removes the father by force from their lives. So when she reaches into the garbage in an attempt to fertilize herself… she burns her OWN cooch INSTEAD OF YOU. Some bitch tried this on a guy who phone in the Leykis show and told his story. She went into the bathroom and he heard intense SCREAMING. She ran out crying. Then she tried to SUE HIM for it. Then phoned Tom back to say THANKS! There are NO LIMITS to what these cunts will do to trap an otherwise responsibly behaved man into fatherhood. Women ARE doing it to get their claws into your wallet. Why do you think they have 11+ forms of birth control and men only have 2??? I have had this happen to me twice. Ironically, they seem to have absolutely no recollection of their distaste for abortion when you get pissed off and dump them because they lied to you and you tell them your not raising a kid with a liar. Had to pull rank like that twice. How they can play such cavalier games with children is beyond me. Shawana Wright here I cum! GhostOfJefferson The only single moms I hold out any respect for are widows. A divorcee with children at least made an attempt to do things the right way, although she in most cases has proved that she is not worthy of commitment. Regardless, I think the rules in this article would apply equally to women with kids in all of these situations. GhostOfJefferson I think the rules in this article would apply equally to women with kids in all of these situations. Single mom to me means a mom who is single, the why of the single-hood is irrelevant. In this case, widows, divorcess and out of wedlock mothers. Kind of like homeless took the place of bum, drifter, migrant, hobo, panhandler, etc. Alex As with everything in this cesspool called the Western civilization the language has been so corrupted by our lords and masters that black is white and gay is right. When you engaged, most of the time you were engaged to a virgin who would form a deep pair bond with you since you were her first. Acehole This is true of the era, but after marriage things usually went south for most couples. While I do know many people from that generation who are still married the majority really , many, if not most of these marriages are pretty unhappy. No matter which way you look at it, women have always been difficult to deal with long term. Women will always use sex as a weapon, regardless of marriage status, societal norms, etc. Women have always been and will forever be difficult to deal with. Acehole Harsh, but true. Smart, thoughtful men from all eras of history have all arrived at the same conclusion. Women are just the way they are. Their nature will likely never change. Across the board they are fickle, selfish, childish, irresponsible, and all-in-all, they represent a HUGE liability to men. Always have, always will. Much of this is just biology. Men and women are not friends, never have been, never will be. Nature never intended them to be. For most animals, the mating game is adversarial and zero-sum. Nature cares about procreating the species. Mother nature is quite good at this. There are 7 billion human beings on this planet after all. The human population far exceeds the numbers of any other large mammal on earth. Women are good for little else than fucking and raising children…both are questionable in the modern era. This is not cynicism. Women playing games are beta.. Be direct, be yourself and most importantly brand each attempt as learning instead of a failure. This protects your self esteem and pushes you forwards so each consecutive attempt gets closer till you start to win. My personal preference in women are those who have tried a couple guys already. There was this content I found ages ago which got me on the right path.. If you want to get your shit together and increase in abilities etc.. Smart, thoughtful men from all eras of history have all arrived at the same conclusion. Women are just the way they are. Their nature will likely never change. Across the board they are fickle, selfish, childish, irresponsible, and all-in-all, they represent a HUGE liability to men. Always have, always will. Much of this is just biology. Men and women are not friends, never have been, never will be. Nature never intended them to be. For most animals, the mating game is adversarial and zero-sum. Nature cares about procreating the species. Mother nature is quite good at this. There are 7 billion human beings on this planet after all. The human population far exceeds the numbers of any other large mammal on earth. Women are good for little else than fucking and raising children…both are questionable in the modern era. This is not cynicism. One interesting and fun thing about days previous to this though is that if you snagged a virgin, which was fairly normal, you could train her to be precisely what you want in bed, assuming you were not a simpering beta simp. They bond hard, are very loyal almost puppy loyal , and tend to want to make you happy. You can also stop the aspect of women using sex as a weapon if you know how to get them addicted. Any physical action against me will result in me defending myself in accordance with my legal rights. Interpret that as you will , make sure that you throw in a bit of extra chatter as well. Message me later on here and tell me what you said so I know which one was you. Who do you think is behind this rift between men and women? Who do you think has the most to gain? Propaganda like that can only thrive in chaos; indeed, the LGBT lifestyle is inherently chaotic i. The battle was the culture wars of the late 60s to present. Women are massive consumers and much of advertising is designed for them. As such, TV Shows reflect their fantasies, bumbling men, women in charge, etc. Everyone except maybe a petty thief or a drug dealer has a long-range end game. We right-thinking men have the endgame of going back to a time when a man worshipped his God, loved his woman who loved him back and raised his children as he saw fit and in a way that made them a credit to their community. The endgame of feminists is a world where all but 1% of men are eunuchs, and where those in that 1% made up of poolboys and bad boy wannabes are passed around by all the women like a maytag in prison for as we all know, 95% of the women only want to actually bang 1% of the male population in any given city, state, or country. The endgame of the LGBT? Little surprise that the show was created by an openly gay individual. Jose Cuervo Yeah, it started with just pandering to a consumer base i. It was aired on channels that WE primarily watch. The Ultra-Liberal Agenda is out there! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are converted. This is one of the reasons why advertising is so disproportionately focused on women. Single mom is single mom. No concern for the kid whatsoever. Widows are the least bad investment of the bunch but still a bad one. They will continually compare you to him. If you have a desire to start a family start one from the ground up. Just noting that of the three, honest widows are the ones with no actual full force blame for their lot in life. Stacy Garinger How dare you say that???? If a woman was ignored, or abused or treated badly she should stay with that person? Like the guy below me said, at least divorcees made the attempt to do the right thing. Sometimes the guy wants out of the marriage or the guy is abusive or is crazy. Believe it or not, some times Guys can be at fault. Aurini A divorcee was either: 1. Stupid enough to marry a loser, so she has a history of bad choices. Married a beta after riding the carousel, only to realize after a couple of children that she needed alpha cock. Married a good man, and destroyed him; through a combination of nagging, sex denial, and refusing to dress sexy or clean the house, she sapped away all of his vitality and he turned into a beta loser. The only possible exception I can think of would be if her husband suffered neurological damage that changed him into a different person — in which case, maybe. I suppose if her husband came out of the closet on her, that might be forgivable as well.. A few months ago, I hooked up with a hot, single mom. And I banged her 5 or 6 times on that first date back at my place. Had her leave by 1am. Had her come back several times after that. Will never meet her kid. And completely maximize the sexual experience as this article states because it all there for the taking. MajorStyles The worse part is when they ply Facebook, talking about how much they love their children. Somewhere along the way though, even they cannot buy their own lies. Billy Badass The dregs of the prole women single moms exist so the government can punish and tax the prole low IQ men who are veritable slaves anyway. This occupies a significant portion of male competitive resources, thus enabling a high IQ, high income red pill man a lifestyle that a prole would not fathom exists. Billy Badass The dregs of the prole women single moms exist so the government can punish and tax the prole low IQ men who are veritable slaves anyway. This occupies a significant portion of male competitive resources, thus enabling a high IQ, high income red pill man a lifestyle that a prole would not fathom exists. This means they will even sabotage birth control — poking holes in your condom, lying about being on the pill, or — I have even had a chick yank the condom off of me right before I came. There is also the well documented tactic of fishing the used condom out of the bathroom trashcan and shoving it up her cooch. Just way too dangerous to risk it at all. They deserve to be alone. GhostOfJefferson This is why good, decent men invented fake I. Fletcher who lives, oddly enough, at the same address as Wrigley Field. In addition how do you like your face re-arranged? Just like they can arbitrarily take your children away from you because being Mormon is no PC in Texas. Or shoot your wife because you prefer living in the woods of Idaho and denouncing them, instead of wantonly cheerleading for them. Or gassing you because you are Jewish for that matter. The drones have been told democracy is great, after all. Hence, you are mean for not volunteering; while they are nice for helping the kid by forcing you to pay up. Excuse me while i vomit. I say pro not for some position of superiority or advanced knowledge, only really bad experience as a result of dumb moves. And you know what I was told when she got all her kids under one roof one child was living with a relative? So my job was to shut up and pay the bills. And she quit her job too. Then she would not sleep in the same room with me. Gee, wonder why I have my own bedroom and my own bathroom — all spartan, bare. The rest of the house immaculate. I was using credit cards to get gas to get to work and scrounging under the seats of my truck for change to buy a bag of chips for dinner. She and the kids had mounds of junk food. I was also convinced that everything was my fault too. But you know what? Eventually I left that cunt. Do not marry them. The best thing you can do for a single mom is to give her a tube of sealant to close up that snatch until her kids grow up. Would that be more constructive? If the cost of being a warning to others is having to deal with the occasional type like yourself, then so be it. If you have something to hide, your story is worse than mine. Imbroglio I have other chapters that are also cringeworthy. On further investigation, I discovered from her actions, her conflicting stories and FROM HER OWN FATHER twice I was helped by the fathers — this is why the feminists and their media work hard to keep men from talking to each other the following: 1. Her husband did not try to kill her. At best she trashed an apartment. Once she managed that, they tried albiet too soon to get knocked up by me so she could rope me in. At 15 she ran away from home and went to be a stripper but told all her friends that her dad raped her and for a time he was being hunted down by a pack of white knights wanting to kill him. And this was 4 years before I got married to the other bitch. Like I said, I made almost ALL of the mistakes. My balls must have a safety shutoff value when the signal from the brain is lost. My sisters are not bad women, our mother went to an all girls catholic school and married at 19, and my sisters are middle aged but one is a fitness queen and the other is the one who trained the fitness queen so they both get told by their doctors that they are too lean. You see I think one of my problems is that I actually grew up around fairly nice women and by a good respectable mother, but that left me with unrealistic expectations when going out into the real world. Phantom Your stories scare the shit out of me, brother. I sincerely wish you the best. Karma must repay you in the end that, and the first hand red pill wisdom you must have. GhostOfJefferson Good thoughts Imbroglio. It takes a big man to admit mistakes and move forward to correct them. It is the sniveling little pricks who are too cowardly and who are afraid of the judgment of others and thus never admit errors who are the weak ones. Using your life experiences as a teaching tool is a fine thing to do. Now, not so much. Will know more tomorrow. Slainte Imbroglio Actually leaving her was my idea but as that was basically little more than an extension of my present status being a ghost in my own home but I opted for a separation. Her cunt sisters paid for actual divorce papers and nobody asked me, but in the long run, and by the time they did it, it was a good idea they thought they were sticking it to some evil man, they did him a favor. I also kept the ex on my health insurance role for an additional year until the paperwork was final. I would spend the next 18 months paying off around 10 grand in credit card debt. Look at it this way. I actually have some very good alpha radar and can see through most of the BS but how could this one get under the radar? Ho ho did I fall for that one. When I see people parrot that tripe I want to sneak up on them and hammer punch them in the brain stem. If that one element had NOT been affixed in my head I could have steered away. If there had been ROK back then, I would have had the cognitive tools. Remember kids, there is NOBODY special. Jeeb Christ dude so whats your situation now are they the cunt and her sisters still hounding you or are you in the clear? Your story is just one of countless numbers of people falling for the single mum, its best to break conversation as soon as you find out the cunt has a kid therefore avoiding the potential hazards that can take place. Good luck to you mate. The better philosophy is to focus on building up your own personal power so that you can attract what you want into your life. I narrowly avoided that trap myself…. The biggest thing was that I had no clue how to influence the female mind. Make no mistake: the basis of all game lies in understanding the female mind. You need to know what turns them on so you can sell that to them, and you need to understand what influences their thought process so that you can effectively control their mind to your benefit. Be the player, not the played….. The dirty little secret of my good marriage that no blue pill dating guru will ever admit is that I continue to use mindfucking and mind control techniques on her. Ho ho did I fall for that one. When I see people parrot that tripe I want to sneak up on them and hammer punch them in the brain stem. If that one element had NOT been affixed in my head I could have steered away. If there had been ROK back then, I would have had the cognitive tools. Remember kids, there is NOBODY special. It was the same answer and they all had the same look on their face when they gave it. I have heard some sordid tales and I wonder what the hell the shrinks are putting into the heads of these women. But considering where the shrinks get their education and the need to weaponize people for certain ends, I would not be surprised if it was intended to take every troubled woman and turn her into a pure force of destruction and despair. I actually have a counter story for you. I dated a chick who was truly bi-polar. She had to take Lithium for it. At least when she was on the Lithium. In the manosphere we make a lot of generalizations. Frankly, most of them are true. But we must also remember to take every woman on a case by case basis. They give her some pills. Oops…we misdiagnosed you: Borderline Personality Disorder.. What can they do for that? Well, women grow out of it grow out of being cunts…. You have to be understanding…blah, blah, blah… Psychologists, for the most part, are just female priests who excuse all manner of wrongs for women and give them drugs when they want them in a safe, government funded, way. Keeps them from having to go suck a cock for their fix. Sam Rogers Do not marry any woman, kids or no kids. Sure, the hot sex can last for a while, many years even my wifie was Russian , but in the end they all turn into bitches. Variety is the spice of life! Sam Rogers Join the club, my man! I gladly played father figure while we were together. But when she eventually became an intolerable bitch and I was forced to resign myself from the marriage, I resigned myself from stepfatherhood as well. She thought she had married some white knight mangina who would carry on as the father for her child even after her supreme bitchiness had forced the end of the marriage. I have a lot of girl friends and not one of them me included would ever do that in a million years. Mothers are generally very kind and generous. TheGenXFactor If you want to play this game, you must, absolutely must, be shooting blanks. I am in my early forties so my easy targets are the 30+ crowd and single moms. You cannot trust them; I am just not sure which is less trustworthy. The added benefit to being snipped is the extra pleasure that comes from the peace of mind of no risk even if using a bag that breaks. Just do yourself a favor and get a quality job. A lot of docs are not qualified or do the in office quickie which can give you problems. This is the best investment I ever made and opened up, yes, many opportunities for fun. Bag it for other reasons from the start as that is what she expects. Really soon she wants to raw dog. Probably the same hormones that are the reason for being a single mom shut off her brain. Universally, they are disappointed once they find out, but the sex is great for year or less. They really want to tie down someone. I have wealth so it is looking for a beta provider and that is how I play it here. You play it as an alpha who might settle down. If she only has one kid it is an issue. If she is older single mother, I tell usually after a few, one or two at the outset. They know that life is already limited for them because of what they are; it is going to be shit if they are pregnant after 30. It is a positive. This is also beta provider game, alpha with emotional closeness. Here is something that I learned. With young, prime females it is a plus since they want to ride the carousel before getting a beta wallet. Alpha game with money and mystery is how I play this. They also really like sex without protection and if it does anything it increases the length and satisfaction of the LTR for both of you. This is probably due to having sex during her peak fertility without reservation and maybe some chemical reaction to your fluids. They really get into it. One last thing if you are snipped that really exposes the way that their screwed up minds work. I have had two single moms want me to have their daughters once they got to legal age. One even went as far as to ask me to do certain things to her. I guess since I was safe in two ways. My disbelief made me wonder if some sort of messed up threesome would be the next request. Now I know why it is such an issue with stepfathers and their stepdaughters; the mothers play a role in promoting it but will never take any responsibility for doing so. Hope that this helps someone. Really, I mean it. Research, they did an ultrasound on me to see anatomy, real operating room, small incision, no puncture with a scissor BS, open vas on the testicle side, gonna cost you, but worth it. ChaseLazenby I put it to you sir, that it is fact. It can bounce back, but only so much. All doable advisements, but honestly, the number 1. The bitch could easily own you, period. After only a mere few months of banging her she could go to a judge and have him declare YOU the legal father of her child. It happens, and could easily happen to you. Avoid single mothers like you would avoid someone with leprosy. GhostOfJefferson I deleted the reply because I re-read your post and you indicated fuck buddies. Money quote: A surprising number of men end up paying child support for a child that is not their own. The basic rationale for this result is that the laws that revolve around child support are more focused on ensuring that the child grows up with the support of an identified father or that the state is relieved of providing financial support for a child. I have a feeling that this shit will get worse. Never move in with a woman who is not your mother or sister. You are just a resource to the woman and nothing more. Just another way that the government is extracting resources from men and transferring them to women. Acehole After a few months of dating she can sue you for child support???? Is this really true? I need to know. What states can this be done in? On a more alpha level I would have to say visiting any bang buddy with her kids around is a 100% beta move anyway. If single moms make up a large part of your bangs then you are a beta scavenger. Stuki The real deal sleazeballs, are the guys that trade drugs for bangs from single moms. I used to know of an older guy who had a stable of single moms in rotation that he would bring coke, and even crack, to. Damien Johnson I learned at a early age that single moms are users; one pregnant senior asked me, a sophomore, if I was going to buy her baby some pampers. I had known better that the typical single mom got pregnant by a guy she knew better than to get pregnant by. This MUST be the song of the article. But after the things I went through with women in all my teenage years, I drop those words like candy nowadays. He was really popular in high school; captain of the soccer team, track star, the whole nine yards. All the girls wanted him. She was easily the hottest chick in a school of over 2000 kids. Its really quite painful, actually…to see your loved ones get butt-reamed by a woman. He loves his kids, which keeps him going. My bother used to be quite a stud; good looking, very athletic, honor student, everything. Its very tough to watch a good man get destroyed slowly before your eyes. He used to be the life of the party. Loved by everyone, always a smile on his face, always the funniest jokes. Then he got married to a shitbag moocher emotionally damaged feminist. Ive seen much better men than me ruined by a rotten woman. He thought he would lose his sons to the military, not some selfish, childish spoiled women. She simply goes from being a woman you could have elevated on that virginal throne of being your one and only, to being your bitch. I still get calls to fuck these women on the side. NiceGuyGoneCad One of the best articles on ROK lately; succinct, practical, 100% pragmatist advice… and cruel. The shiv is strong in you. They are skanky hoes. They think they are goddesses and heroines because of all the toil and trouble they go through to keep their disgusting snivelling turds alive. Go into the grocery store in a big city and see them with their little rug rats screaming and annoying everyone in a two mile radius while the bitch is totally oblivius to society. The gubmint gonna pay fo my babies. Especially since child support is often not enforced, lack of feminist influence, etc. LoneWarrior I had a relationship with a single mom from the FSU for 2 yrs. She leeched off my cash till I got into debt; and left me for a richer target. Single moms are the same everywhere. If you got the cash, take the plunge into the abyss. When a woman makes the conversion to non-mother to mother their entire thinking changes rapidly. This is going to play out to its natural conclusion — she is looking for a provider and will do whatever it takes to lock him down. She is not having sex with you because you were the fastest talking Alpha male in a bar. She is doing what she thinks you want her to do in order to breakdown your guard and eventually pounce. Still, I can only thank all the gods for the half-retarded, dumbass, do-gooding, ATM-machine, white knight that married my ex in spite her having shat out 3 chilluns. Vox Populi ROK men need to be looking for challenges: someone here always picks the shortest straw. Even though they are both great people on their own, they really should have gotten a divorce, which would have saved my family from a lot of problems in the long run. Honestly, my grandmother would have been better off being a single mother than put up with the shit my grandfather put her through and vice versa. Chowbelly I had just finished boning one on the bed when she got up and went to do something in the living room… I glanced in there as I walked to the bathroom, and caught her literally sprinting around so she could get back to serving me quickly. Yes, they are desperate. The pussy can be surprisingly tight. Not ideal, but reasonably tight. It seems that pussies are turned to garbage by reaming over time, not by major temporary trauma. I realize now that I fucked up by giving her the tadpole soup. Think we are all pining back to days gone through nostalgia-glasses? On the other hand, easy to say that when it isnt your head on the chopping block. So in this sense it is quite a refreshing point of view, if not a little bit harsh to mine delicate ears Chilangringo Excellent points here. I prefer to stay away from single moms now. They will definitely get down and dirty in bed. Want a woman that likes getting fucked in the ass? Weird how that works. Their up for that too. You cannot emphasize the money issue enough. You are already paying for kids through your taxes. And the government is the daddy of her kids. Let the government therefor do all the paying. Truth Tiger I agree with other posters that this is the most dangerous prey to deal with in the Western world. Anywhere in the world, actually and every country has their own spin on this problem for men. I ignore most women I see out unless they smile at me first. Single moms are the worst, especially those starved for adult interaction and a masculine presence. The most she knows about you, the more dangerous it is. However the alarm bells ring louder and louder the closer I get to parting the jade gate. We each have to follow our inner guidance at whatever stage we are in life. The more time I spend without a woman, the more discerning I am about the qualities a woman I would choose to spend time with MUST HAVE, even as raw material. I will probably never sleep with another woman again who does not arouse the deep sense of rightness within me. I debase myself too myself and masculinity as a virtue succumbing to baser instinct to fuck a woman who does not bring equal femininity to the table. I only see this in women overseas, outside the US, and that is why my path inevitably leads me to foreign lands. Avoiding this snare is the final gauntlet to pass on your way to true self-mastery. I wish for none of my brothers to experience indentured servitude or an early death due to a few moments of ill-considered orgasmic delight. I detect way too much woman-hating in these comments, and in the post itself. If I meet a hot 9. Having said that, many single moms I know, or banged, or dated, are really hot think 8. Either for a ONS or a LTR. Good women are scarce! Also consider, why is she divorced? Or do you buy those lines serious question? While she may not, the point is that legally all of the power lay in her hands. And why would any man risk that kind of situation just for some trim? There is a consistent theme to them, with only a few outlier exceptions. Be free and do as you will though. Slainte Tan Good point of view. Thanks for the insight. We also have the complete opposite in my country… blood sucking MILFs I call them usually hot Colombians or Russians. Your English is very good, by the way, no trouble at all understanding you. NiceGuyGoneCad Too much woman-hating?. And good luck if you try to have a LTR with a single mom and expect her not to pressure you to get involved with her kids. Hate is too strong of a word and connotes that women have been unfairly misappropriated with hate, for just no reason at all. If a group of men came into your house, ransacked it, stole your possessions, and gang-banged your wife, all with her approval and laughter, as she looked at you, bound and gagged, would you not feel resentment? Now apply this scenario to what use to be Western Civilization. Women on the aggregate, mainly the Anglo women, were willing co-conspirators against all men, whether consciously or subconsciously. Everything that was build up over the course of 2,000 years by great men on the battlefields, thrones, offices and laboratories of Europe and America was torn down within a few decades with the gleeful cooperation of women with the Cultural Marxists and other subversives, which shows you the ultimate treacherous creatures they are by nature. So yes, forgive me, if I feel a tad bit, bitter. Lance Christopher At least 2 days? Some fuck buddies really come through in the clutch. YosarriansRight Very good points. Their hamsters want to validate. A Life of Abundance Disagree. The once a week rule is pretty much written in stone. Unless you want to have the overt conversation about it. King of the Castle The 8 rules for banging single moms: 8. Seriously leave damaged goods where they should be in the bargain bin for the omegas to get. The fuck is this anyway? A guide to being the biggest asshole you can be? A manual on how to manipulate women into giving you what you want without having to endure any repercussions on your disgusting behavior? A website to create a brotherhood among little bitches, and cowards who call themselves men? Please, someone on here, fill me in. None of you are fuckable material, and no one wants your sperm. No woman wants to recreate thedespicable creatures that you are. Dave I have to support some of the below. Be careful with your boys. Your condom, not hers, you dispose of it toilet not trashcan. Susan nothing makes her right for lying. All of us, male and female, use psychology in every interaction. Flirting is a form of manipulation. I am pushing 40 and am constantly amazed at how inept with women many men just 10-15 years younger than myself are due to the socio-economic changes which have taken place and the poison of feminism. Men that can not satisfy the need for female companionship…. Amazing sex, every time. However, rule 5 is good, without the sex there would be no relationship. You can break all the other rules above, but banging other women will keep you aloof enough automatically. I just want a decent human man to have fun with and spend time with. I have three nights free kidless that belong to you and you can have it. I just want you all to myself. You must know I pray that not ALL women are like this. Stacy Garinger in what moment did I ever say all I wanted was a dick to have fun with? I was trying to say that there are a lot of women worth dating who have kids and this article is total crap!! I would prefer to be with one man and have a great relationship and why is me having a child a bad thing? There are no single women worth dating if dating is defined as vetting for a long term commitment. Single moms are for having sex with if they are sexually arousing to you. The fact that they are single moms says they do not honor commitments and are only a burden. There is nothing there to love. You can have fun but there is nothing there in a single mother worth the sacrifice. I have three kids would I give up those three for you a single mom. The father of those kids of this single mom did. The single mom could not care any less for their father other than get child support. That alone says she is not worthy of a commitment but ahead and enjoy her openings if you like. Remember when it was shameful for women to be single mothers. That shame was to protect you from men seeing you as you are. You rejected that for selfish reasons and now men see you as you are. You are not worthy of commitment and men are learning just as the few men that read this and have a better understanding why. Because as men, we are just as disposable as her cell-phone and she knows this. Men are on sale and women want the best bargain. Because we men are letting the feminist agenda dictate to US how relationships are going down. Holding high-self esteem in ones own eyes while defending against the feminist approach to diminishing it, is paramount to achieving this end goal. Until then, men are on sale, and most are dirt cheap. Most women today, ARE NOT WORTH IT. Jesse Garza There is a girl at my gym that I thought was rather attractive. I see her all the time and have been working up to approach her. After I read that I lost all interest and attraction to her. Sophie Willis This is the scariest thingI have ever read. This upsets and worries me in equal measure if this how most of the men I meet see me, and I feel compelled to say my piece, even though I can tell from the level of disgust directed at single mothers here that this is going to fall on deaf ears. Having had 2 children in wedlock for 11 years, now divorced I have absolutely no intention of having others. You are, of course, entitled your your opinions and choices but please, give a second thought for those of us single mothers who do it because they have to, not because they want to. We all know single mothers want that extra paycheck, and help with the kids. I just wonder whether you could find it in yourself to present your case in a less demeaning, patronising and condescending way. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on as you get stuck in centuries past. Jason Fregmen The rest of the world? No man with any business going on in his life is going to stoop low enough, tear down his ego and self respect far enough to take care of another mans progeny and their damaged goods single mother. You had one goal in life, one mission to accomplish for your children and you managed to fuck that up. Sophie Willis Thank you for your reply Jason. You obviously put of lot of time and thought into these profound words of wisdom; so eloquently put, so intelligently conveyed, so unique and original — went straight to my heart and gave me food for thought. The world is blessed to have someone like you and your manosphere brethren, the heroes of our modern times. Simply put, you make our world a better place. Sophie Willis Duly noted Jason, and so true. Jimmy Joseph Actually, single moms are mostly looking for a meal ticket. Then after getting the sucker on the hook, there is a VERY HIGH chance she will divorce him for assets. At best, he will become her slave in marriage. Sophie Willis It could be that there is a cultural difference between where you and I live: in my side of the world, no woman, whatever her status, will tolerate bad language. Please do carry on, some of your contributions are sometimes even quite entertaining. They get pregnant on purpose to increase child support payments so they can get paid enough per month to sit on their ass and not work. All without her lifting a finger. Abuse has nothing to do with it. I personally gave a single mother a chance at having a family and I treated her daughter as my own. In the end, she never fully allowed me to be a father to her as she always second guessed my parenting. Now, the ex is back on welfare. The same way I found her when I met her. This successful, well off man will no longer take them seriously. They blew it with me. My story, in exchange: when we met, my ex my first long-term relationship told me he was abused by his father, amongst other stories which later revealed untrue. By the time I figured out he had lied to me about serious things and irrelevant things in equal measure , I was already married and had children. I had to leave, I had no choice. I want a man- my man, the man I can bond souls with. I crave a deep connection. I need a man I will WANT to succumb to, to cater to, to care for, to want to please. I want a man who will protect me, defend me if needed. To jump at him after work, to embrace his neck so tenderly, to have passionate sex with him, to cuddle with him. I want my companion, family, I want a man I will want children by. For me to develop such feelings I must be absolutely sure about him- I must be sure that he is willing to be mine and only mine, that he loves me more that I love him, that he possesses particular qualities that are attractive to me in men. Do I want him to provide for my daughter? No, I need him to want to do it. Simply because he will love her. A man with your mentality will not even come close to me or her. The child was one of my biggest priorities in life. Guest This article is complete and utter shit. None of this reflects a single mother. Women who have children, are not automatically damaged people, who are emotionally unstable, or incapable of managing stress effectively. Women are not trying to find new fathers for their children, who already have a father. A father is not the same thing as a person of sexual or romantic interest. Why would you conflate the two? A dedicated mother, would make sure the man is not a big piece of shit, like the author of this article, and she would not bring him around her children or near her home. She would make sure the encounter with the potential was worth her while before wasting time. It would be easy to do by giving it time to play out. There are usually red flags that give that away. Why have you written a title that describes half of the population and lumped it into a shitty category? You sound like a scum bag with very low standards, possibly very insecure, and having low self esteem yourself. That is an entitled, manipulative, sociopathic person problem hence the not being upfront, and leaving a person abruptly in a situation where they want honesty, you sound mentally unstable. A person who manipulates another person by using them, is no better than the qualities listed in the article! It is very possible to be honest and up front ahead of time, in doing this, everything is out in the open. A woman can say no thanks, or she can decide to go forward. As long as the man is understanding and not a pressuring asshole who makes her feel uncomfortable. A mature person can handle that. However, the person who wrote this drivel, is a fucking idiot, and anyone else who thinks this is the way to do it. A woman or a man, with kids, moves on, and is human, they would like a connection with a person again. I remember a chick I was seeing who had a great personality, was willing to try anal, would let me choke and slap her during sex and was tight as hell. Backfired on me terribly. The kid thing is absolutes correct. Kid has huge issues because of ex husband. How the fuck I got involved with this shit is beyond me. There goes another dad. Pity as I was also attached to the kid. I spent the 1st 8 months of the relationship sorting out her ex husband issues. Lawyers and custody stuff etc. Says she loves me dearly and now completely ignores me. Good luck with finding another cunt to do what I did to help u and your kid. I realise my problems are not unique. Most of what u say is 100%. This article is to vague and should only be directed to those SM with no jobs. Remember this: there is no such thing as an accidental pregnancy. Despite what the sisterhood will tell you. So your girl getting pregnant required the following affirmative actions on her part: 1. Muma I have no idea what single mums you have been dating but this post is awful! I want something thats literally casual but to be able to do things, like watch movies, go see a band, crank out a fire on the beach with a couple of Corona and some decent chat! And making sure you take the used jonny with you? Seriously more children is the last thing I would want! You honestly believe that just because a woman had a child with someone else that they have become pure trash and are just desperate for more children? What the fuck could possibly be wrong with all of you pathetic douches that you would believe something as fucking stupid as that? Yeah like us women would ever want to procreate with you pieces of shit. Get over yourselves and shut the hell up. Clearly they are not, based on their own bad behavior and the hate in their hearts for nearly every woman on the planet. Is the answer to basically do the same thing except in reverse? I understand the frustration with extreme feminism, but is copying their attitude and behaviors making anything better? You also claim to want to get back to strong families and the way it used to be but I fail to see how the majority of the articles on this site promote this worthy goal at all. What I see is this. At this rate, no man who comes here and believes what they read will ever choose to marry and have kids. However, as much as you see us as hateful bigots, those of us with some experience find ourselves nodding along with this article. The common thread is this: I was a reasonably presentable single guy, no kids, but with a good job and income, and very willing to engage in LTR at the time.. But they still managed to fuck things up with a pattern of terrible decisions they seem destined to repeat. Oh, and they were all under 30. I went out with a girl who was a single mom. Her young daughter was there being baby sat. I thought, what a nice thing to teach a young girl.. Met single mom thru the internet. She had 5 kids at the time. We got along pretty well, even having online sex LOL for quite a while. She kept inviting me to her place, but I was a little reticent. Another girl with a young son I really liked. We were getting along pretty good, went out a couple of times and had some fun. They tried to make a relationship of it with me hanging on like an idiot.. I did the bolt at that point. She lived in a trailer. She gave me her number and everything. I can certainly understand why people in general become disillusioned when they meet one person after another who just has no moral standards whatsoever, and who does not treat others with respect and consideration. I know this for a fact because I am a good person and my friends are good people who treat others with respect. Bottom line, I wish those who write for this site and those who read it could realize that even though they may be coming into contact with some pretty lousy women, not all women are bad people out to hurt men or use men. The women I know, myself included, would love nothing more than a good man to give our love to and treat with kindness which I do, and he is appreciative. Karen One more short comment about this. One of my best friends is a single mom of two, who had to finally leave her husband after many years of emotional abuse. She is a GOOD, GOOD girl, kind to all who never deserved the abuse she received from this jerk. In any case, she eventually found who seemed to be the nicest guy ever, and they developed a relationship. She was finally happy and everyone loved this guy and thought he was just what she needed and deserved after the abuse. Then she started noticing suspicious behavior, and long story short, she caught him red handed, cheating with his ex-wife. That was just it for her. They just found themselves in a situation. The only one I really regret was 3.. But she just made some terrible fucking decisions and I got friend-zoned , so I had to say goodbye. I reckon most people on this site feel the same way as I do.. But the harsh reality is, every single man needs to protect himself these days. Like I said, the worst thing that can happen is, a man forms a LTR with a single mom, falls in love with her kids and helps raise them as a caring step-dad.. This kind of thing knows no gender boundaries. Perhaps they really are just frustrated and are exaggerating at times. I understand being frustrated and wanting to vent. However, I do wish that whoever is writing some of these articles would just stop making it seem as though ALL women are monsters, and unworthy of relationships. Anyway, I truly appreciate your feedback, feel sad for your 3, especially in regards to the little boy heart-breaking , and especially appreciate your acknowledgement that this kind of thing knows no gender boundaries. I know this is absolutely true, but to read the articles on this site as well as the comments, one would think that men are flawless and all women are the devil. All the best to you. Karen jq747 You can take or leave the other points as you see fit.. It will only end in tears. Nunja Problem is, the thirst is so bad that no one wants to wait for a woman with no experiences. I would personally get married as soon as I felt comfortable, within a year of dating someone. Most virgin women wait years upon years, when you tally being friends first, dating, and engagement. Think of it this way: if you can convince a virgin to have sex with you, and then you decide to marry her, the only difference between her and a good portion of broken women is that she got lucky. Whether or not you leave is completely up to you. However, it damages her for life. If the same thing happens to her again with another man, forget about it. So basically, we now live in a system wherein marriage is impossible, except for scattered circles. A lot of these girls are fed the narrative that they should go to school get a career, take a hundred years making sure boyfriend is the one, etc. On the other, you have thirsty guys who become more and more deprived of fulfilling sexual relationships and are vulnerable to the line-jumping sluts. These are all the pretty good people of society, just no one can make a connection. I hope all women read your article, single moms or not, to understand what an angry loser you are. What if a man meets a special woman who happens to have a child? How many opportunities have you lost with your attitude? How many opportunities will men lose if they take your advice? According to your perspective, as soon as a woman is a single mom or divorced with a child, they are marked for life as unmarriageable. But given your attitude, the kids got lucky; both their mom And them dodged a bullet. So you have provided a service by negative example, and for that, I thank you. Clary Mysogynistic aside, this is sooo outdated! Was it written in 1986? Second, women in their 20s and 30s are, for the first time in American history, outearning males. I was one, until I remarried. And now I still pay child support to my ex-husband even though we have joint custody because I earn more. When I was a single mom, my guard was up and I was wary of losers like you…the last thing I needed was to provide financially for a sorry ass man in addition to myself and my child.

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And lastly, mesir wat - a red lentils with a paste-like consistency. Truly shocking stuff indeed tell me what you think. Men here know there are sincere reasons dating a single mother is a terrible idea. They give her some pills. A young, unwed mother-to-be was experiencing bleeding during her first trimester. She was back home around 3:30. I only see this in women overseas, outside the US, and that is why my path too leads me to foreign lands. And this was 4 years before I got married to the other bitch.